Concrete Basin Care and Maintenance

Concrete is a porous surface which means that even though it is waterproof there are pores in the concrete. The pores can either start to erode slowly becoming larger or hold other substances which would then stain the concrete.
To prevent stains and the concrete eroding a sealant is applied to the surfacent, to reduce the deterioration process and to try and prevent water seeping into the pores.
Visit our range of concrete basins to check out what people are putting in their bathrooms.
The sealant is a waterproof coating and helps the deterioration process but it still requires maintenance and care, so we'll go through some of the things to do when cleaning and caring for your concrete basin.
The sealant is not permanent and it may require resealing every few years depending on how much use the basin is getting, how much sun or how much water it is exposed to.
Do not use abrasive or acidic cleaners. Abrasive or acidic cleaners will strip the sealant faster or even immediately depending on how strong they are. This means that you'll need to reseal the basin straight away to avoid water seeping through and making the concrete basin weak.
Try to always wipe the basin dry. You should try your best to wipe the basin dry after every use, now we do know it's a bit impractical sometimes but that's what most manufactures will state as part of the maintenance process. This will also minimise the hard water deposits that may build up. Over time we see that minerals in tapware will slowly leave deposits on the basins and this can be minimised if you wipe it dry instead of leaving it to air dry. If you can't wipe it every time just make sure you're conscious that everytime you're about to bring your towel to the laundry then give your basins a quick wipe.
Use pH neutral cleaners. Once in a while in your cleaning process you will need to use a soap or a detergent to clean your basin, when doing this make sure you try and use a pH neutral cleaner and avoid abrasive scrubbing pads. Generally a mild dishwashing soap would be pH neutral making it a great cleaner.
Pores Absorb Stains. Just be aware that pores do absorb stains, so that means if you notice stains happening on the basin that would mean you should probably get ready for another sealant application.
Avoid leaving hot water in basin. Try to avoid filling your basin with hot water for extended periods of time, the basins are designed for washing and not soaking.
Direct Sunlight will change the basins colour. If left in direct sunlight the basin may change colour over time.
Hairline cracks. Over time hairline cracks may form similar to concrete footpaths, these cracks are aesthetic and not structural. When they do form make sure you apply sealant straight away as these hairline cracks often split the sealant and will end up allowing water to seep through. Areas around the waste holes are the weak points and are more susceptible to the hairline cracks so it's important to seal it straight away because that's where water will flow most.
Scratches, Cracks and Edge Chipping. With all basins they are susceptible to chipping and cracking with improper use. Avoid impact on edges and the surface with any hard objects as any knock could chip the concrete.