Synthetic Grass Gardens: 4 Tips and Facts for Future Owners
Having a synthetic grass garden is great. It is not a coincidence that more and more homeowners are installing artificial turfs in their home instead of real grass. As homeowners ourselves, we want to share 4 tips and facts for you in helping you maintain a great synthetic grass garden and make a decision for your lawn.

Having a synthetic grass garden is great. It is not a coincidence that more and more homeowners are installing artificial turfs in their home instead of real grass.
As homeowners ourselves, we want to share 4 tips and facts for you in helping you maintain a great synthetic grass garden and make a decision for your lawn.
From maintenance help to extending the lifespan of your artificial grass garden, we’ll make sure that you gain some valuable knowledge from this post.
1. Synthetic Grass Is Flexible and Is Able to Be Installed Virtually Anywhere
Homeowners do not have to worry about the placement of synthetic grass; you can lay it anywhere as long as it’s accessible to you.
With natural grass, landscaping on terraces and balconies may be an issue due to difficulties in setting up an effective drainage and watering system.
Since you don’t need to water synthetic grass (although rinsing it from time to time is still necessary), you can lay it on raised surfaces without much problems.
You may also want to lay grass in between your garden pavements like this:
Doing this is very difficult and time-consuming with real grass; you’ll have to groom and trim them every year to keep it neat. If not, the grass will grow into a mess real quick.
You can do this easily with artificial grass. Just set up the foundation of your pavements and glue your synthetic grass in between the edges - it’s that simple.
One thing you’ll notice with real grass is that there are patchy areas under your garden’s trees.
You won’t get discolorations of patches like this with synthetic grass. Landscaping with rocks and pebbles is more effective this way; you don’t have to deal with the digging and cleaning part of it.
Of course, laying synthetic grass in gardens and patios - no problem.
2. Synthetic Grass Installation Is Really Easy - And Flexible!
Did you know that you can install artificial grass with these methods?
- Heavy-duty Velcro
- Glue
- Nails
- Seams
There aretonsof options for you to install artificial grass in your garden. This flexibility allows you to save more money.
Installation fees take up a significant portion of the total cost for a synthetic grass garden, it’s not uncommon for the costs to rise up to$2,000-$3,000 AUDfor a basic sod installation.
You also have to factor in the resources needed to install natural grass e.g manpower, labor costs, and paying for tools.
Most homeowners prefer nails as they last longer than the alternatives. Fortunately, if you need a quick fix for your issues, Velcro and even industry-grade tape is more than adequate in installing synthetic grass.
Another rarely mentioned fact about synthetic grass is that they preserve the condition of your garden’s base longer than natural grass.
Simply put, you just need to lay your artificial turf once; after that, all you need to do is to replace the infill every 3-4 years.
3. Artificial Grass Saves You a Lot of Money and Time in the Long Run
You can saveover $8,000over 15 years by installing synthetic grass.
Here’s a Great Thing about Artificial Grass
They last for 25-30 yearseasilywith minimal maintenance every year. As you can see from the calculations above, you save approximately $533 yearly; in 25 years, that’s$13,325saved already.
There are a few things that you’ll pay for in maintaining your synthetic grass garden:
- Your water bill
- Synthetic grass infill
- Your time
You don’t need to pay a lot for the water bill, artificial lawns just need a quick rinsing every once in a while to stay clean.
Unlike real grass, you don’t need to water your garden regularly to keep it green and tidy.
Fake grass infill is the material that makes your synthetic grass feel “bouncy” and natural. It is the only thing that costs a bit of money but you only need to replace it once every few years.
Busy individuals, on the other hand, will love synthetic grass; you can savea lotof time. The need to water, rake, and maintain your lawn is eliminated in synthetic grass gardens.
Don’t be skeptical; your garden looks stunning even without consistent maintenance, here’s how it’d look like.
4. Synthetic Grass Is Environmentally-Friendly; No Pesticides, No Lawnmowers, No Fertilisers
When you own a synthetic grass lawn, forget about all of the usual tools and solutions that you’d need for a real garden.
You can expect to have zero pests and insects in your garden. They have nothing to feed and live off in fake grass lawns, so pesticides and bug-killers can be ticked off your grocery list.
That’s great news for the Earth.
Pesticides are a major contributor pollution in lakes and water sources worldwide. It is a huge concern that needs to be addressed as soon as possible by the ones who can make a change - us.
Aside from that,17 million gallons of fuelare used yearly to power lawnmowers; you don’t need to be an expert to know that the side effects of usingthatmuch fuel is very, very worrying.
As global carbon (CO2) levels rise over time, we should do what we can to reduce pollution levels all over the world.
Further Information
Synthetic Grass Warehouse has anexcellent resource for homeowners to know more about artificial grass.
TheWikipedia page for synthetic grassis also useful if you would like to know more about the research and technical side of artificial grass.